“The most economical and environmentally sound choice you and your family can make is to install a water filter for your home.”
We recommend this in-depth and interesting article to all of you who are confused why you should drink water regularly and which types of water to drink, the processes and the technology? The editorial explains about a silent epidemic of dehydration and enlightens the reader about the disadvantages of tap and bottled water.
Water filter companies like Swisspro have done an excellent job educating families the fact that most of these available water sources can be easily contaminated. The most economical and environmentally sound choice you and your family can make is to install a water filter for your home. When confronted with the choice of so many technologies that are available, the recommendation is simple and safe: a reliable filtration technology. Definitely not within these endorsements are Distillation or Alkaline Water, as the long-term use of alkaline or ionized water can interfere with your body’s natural digestive process.
On a generic education, this article highlights numerous reasons for consuming plenty of good quality drinking water: digestion / blood circulation / lubrication and support of joints / skin health / nutrient adsorption / temperature regulation / cleaning toxins out of your body.
For more details, please read this article HERE.
Have your water pitcher filled!