How Often Should You Change Your Filter? It may hardly be a consideration when purchasing a water filtration system or dispenser:...
TOP 3 Criteria a SAFE Water Filtration must have TOP 3 Criteria a SAFE Water Filtration must have 1. Performance Against Chemicals...
The TOP 3 Features that truly define the quality of a Water Dispenser What do you first look out for when buying a water dispenser? Is...
Why you should not drink from Plastic Bottled Water “Exposure to BPA is a concern because of possible health effects of BPA...
We are participating in Ground Zero Run Running a small distance can help make a BIG difference. TEAM SWISSPRO SG...
Harmful Compound found in Plastic Bottled Water “Risking our health over expensive and unsafe drinking water is not so smart.”...
Our SUPERSWISS filter takes on the NSF certification challenge – Will we pass the test? SUPERSWISS is a Super Performer SUPERSWISS is an all-in-one filter solution designed to cater...
Swisspro’s Re-opening during Post-Circuit Breaker Phase 1 According to the current news, Singapore will enter Phase 1 of the post-circuit breaker...
Circuit Breaker: 10 Signs You Are Dehydrated The current Circuit Breaker makes us stay at home. One possible challenge is too...
Swisspro’s Operation during Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period COVID-19 Measures and Announcements Swisspro to comply with Circuit Breaker due to COVID-19 ...
Water Test Kits – Were You Fooled? “Based on our experience, even the most popular mineral water brands in the...