Why choose Swisspro’s SUPERSWISS filtration? Whenever customers ask us about what is special and unique about the Swisspro SuperSwiss...
What is Credibility? The expression CREDIBILITY involves many unmeasurable and yet very tangible criteria. While we can’t...
The Evolution of Drinking Water – From Hygiene to Personalization Introduction Water, the elixir of life, has played an essential role in human existence...
Singapore Among the World Biggest Spenders on Bottled Water – Good or Bad? Reading the article “SINGAPORE IS TOP BOTTLED WATER CONSUMER” we almost get the impression that our...
BOTTLED WATER – WORTH MY MONEY? In his broadcast of November 13, 2022, Steven Chia/CNA couldn’t have summed it up any better!...
Planning For Sustainable Drinking Water In Hotels The recently published Singapore Hotel Sustainability Roadmap of the STB (Singapore Tourism Board) has,...
Drink Business Class with Swisspro! The world’s biggest and most urgent challenge is climate change with an incomparable extent....
Why Piped-in Dispensers are the Top Choice for Offices? Keeping your employees hydrated (and in turn, keeping them healthy and productive) during the...
Response to CNA News As a manufacturer of premium water systems, we are happy to receive coverage from...
Best Water Filters For Your Home Best Water Filters For Your Home Tap water in Singapore is relatively safe, however...
Is It Necessary To Buy And Install A Water Purifier In Singapore? Living in one of the cleanest cities in the world and given Singapore’s strict...